We TEST athletes to determine a performance baseline and identify areas where they can create separation from their peers. We TEACH athletes the same methods used by many of today’s top professional and Olympic athletes to improve sport and position-specific movements. What does this mean?  We TEACH athletes what they need to do to get better. How to move better - the foundation of improving athleticism.  How to train smarter - learning to listen to their body, push limits safely and to incorporate sound nutrition to fuel performance and recovery.  Essentially, we help athletes improve their training IQ. Then we TRAIN using the most scientifically proven programs featuring our patented technology, individualized training protocols, and real-time video analysis to give every athlete the ultimate performance sports training experience.


Our legacy program for athletes who are dedicated to improving their speed, power, agility, and stamina to gain a competitive advantage. Training programs feature our Super Running Treadmills for developing speed and running efficiency; plyometrics for improving movement skills, foot speed, change in direction and stability; strength work for explosive speed, injury prevention, and translating power; and sport-specific skills designed to help an athlete move better and more efficiently during competition.

Athletic Republic's Acceleration Training protocols cater to the individual needs of each athlete's sport and position.


We have enjoyed great success training high school teams in their own weight rooms and on their fields. We offer conditioning and speed training on the field, as well as teaching proper technique, and build muscle, strength, and power in the weight room. We schedule on going meetings with each head coach to schedule training, update goals, and create our training cycles. We work hard to create a family atmosphere by earning the trust, and respect of each athlete and coach we come in contact with.  

At Legends, our "Test-Teach-Train" approach is founded on offering individualized team training programs specifically tailored around the time of year (off-season, pre-season and in-season). Our staff will develop a training plan combining your coaching staff's assessment of your team's immediate needs, coupled with our proven, sport-specific protocols so that your team's athletes can focus on the specific elements of their game to improve their playmaking skills.


Research has shown that female athletes can reduce their risk of a non-contact ACL injury by 72% with the proper neuromuscular training. Our stability program incorporates performance training drills that require balance, power and agility so that athletes can improve strength, stability, neuromuscular conditioning, and neuromuscular reactions, which ultimately reduces the risk of an ACL injury. In addition, we have also created a "take-home" stability training kit to encourage a year-round regimented exercise program that can be done anywhere. 


Our weight training program is designed specifically for each athlete’s sport, training age, gender, and imbalances, with the aim of building a more injury-resistant athlete. As a result, we spend a lot of time developing decelerating musculature and healthy joints such as hips, knees and shoulders. Additional considerations include energy systems, movement patterns, primary as well as secondary movers, hypertrophy, strength, power, and endurance. We use everything from free weights and kettlebells to bands and boxes. Our athletes are under the watchful eye of an instructor to ensure they are being taught the right way to push themselves.   


We understand each individual is different in terms of goals, needs, and athletic ability. Athletic Republic's private training sessions cater to athletes and adults searching for the ultimate, customized program and one-on-one attention in areas of speed and power development, sports specific training, general fitness, and nutrition. Succeeding in the goals you have set for yourself requires dedication, continual feedback, and our training expertise. Combining Athletic Republic's specialized training equipment, science proven training protocols, and years of experience our staff will transform athleticism and overall well being.



Looking to add a star to your Rivals.com ranking or standing out in the crowd of college football prospects? Then improve your combine performance. At Athletic Republic, we'll help you improve your football speed for the 40-yard dash, add quickness to your pro-agility and develop the explosive power measured in the vertical jump. We'll also teach you the techniques that can improve your combine results and on-field performance. Along the way we'll improve your conditioning and stamina, so you'll be ready to start the fourth quarter with the same strength you had in the first. To help you improve your scores in the Combine Exam, we're sharing a few of our scoring secrets for running the 40-yard fast, perfecting the pro-agility, and adding height to your vertical jump.